Sunday, January 20, 2013

Slumber Party

Katie Lee had her first sleep over Friday night at Lillian's house for Lillian's 6th birthday. She was so excited. She worked on packing ALL week long and had a list a mile long of things that they could do. She wanted to take everything but the kitchen sink with her.

Friday night at 5:30 was the offical time for the party to start when Lillian and Amanda picked her up.  These two were ready to have FUN!! 
Lalaloospy suitcase, pillow, and sleeping bag and she was ready to go. 
When she came home the next morning, she had had a great time and was SO sleepy.
Later Saturday, she told me about all the fun that they had, and then told me that she thought maybe she should just wait until she was older for another spend the night party because she missed me.  Glad that she is not growing up too fast that she doesn't need me anymore.  :) 
Thanks Miss Amanda and Lillian for making Katie Lee's first spend the night party so much fun.  

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