If you remember this from last year, she was not afraid of the water at all.
Well, I am not sure if it is her age and beginning to be scared of everything phase, or the fact that I put her in swimming lessons with these people that she did not know and did not take the time to befriend her, but the swimming pool is not her favorite place right now!!!
After her week of swimming lessons and crying the last three days, I thought that all she needed was some fun time in the pool. Monday was that day. Katie Lee and I packed lunches and picked up Stephanie, Hayden, and Mary Kaitlyn (her best big friends) and headed to a family friends' pool for a day of fun. That morning she was so excited about playing in the pool with them. We got to the pool and the mood quickly changed. She wanted nothing to do with them or the big pool. She was perfectly content sitting on the top step watching everyone else. I finally got her in and she clung to my neck for dear life. I felt so bad for her because I know that she would love the water.

Bless her heart! I'm sure by the time summer is over she'll be like a duck in the water!
I'm sure it's just a phase. They all go thru them. The real test would be to go with her little friends her age...I bet if they all got in the water she would get over it pretty quick. That's what worked for Emma.
I'm sure it is just a phase. Just be patient and hang in there with her. By the end of the summer she will be a water baby again :)
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