Our trip to Lake Winnie proved to be lots of fun. Katie Lee was so excited all week talking about this trip and she was not disappointed.
Waiting to get in.

The anticipation of the first ride

Playing on the playground, and

the splash pad.

Train ride. KL loves trains. She came home with a train whistle in the shape of a train. She had hit up her Poppie and Aunt Kitty for money before we left. HA

Potato sack slide.

At the beginning of the day before we had gotten too hot. We still looked pretty good. :)

The bumblebee. They were super excited about this ride.

Ladybug ride.

We had to try on some silly hats.

Here we all are at the end of the day. Not too melted from the heat.

The turn for Lake Winnie is 5 lights from the interstate. Katie Lee made it to the 2nd red light before falling asleep and did not even want her milkshake.

We had a great time and look forward to many more trips here.
Bethany and I took the kiddos to Lake Winnie last summer. They LoVeD it! Going back this year. Dread the heat! I know Katie Lee had a blast. Do you think I could hit Poppie and Aunt Kitty up for some bucks?
Looks like you all had a lot of fun! Maybe we will make it up there one day...hopefully when it's just a little bit cooler weather.
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