Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Sticky Situation.

A week or so ago Katie Lee had gotten a ring pop and Daniel had a fit to have one too. Well, I did not have anymore so I gave him rock candy. I knew this would be messy but not a big deal. I put him in his high chair and he had already taken his clothes off (his new trick). situation Rock candy is wonderful!!! situation
Until he looks at his hand. "Mess!" he says and begins to cry.

No problem Mommy cleans it up.
Until he looks at his hand again. "Mess!!"

He would not give up eating this for sticky hands. It was a back and forth clean one hand and he would change hands and get upset all over again. He loved it. :)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

While Mommy and Daddy are Away

Katie Lee and Daniel had a ball at Poppie and Grammie Camp.

  Mother and Daddy were kind enough to keep the kids while Donnie and I took our anniversary trip. The little ones were so excited to spend the week with Poppie and Grammie. I am not sure if they missed up too much. We called everyday and they were usually too busy to talk to us. It was a great thing that they had so much fun. Grammie had fun things daily for them to do. More on that later.

Katie Lee could not wait to pack for camp. She made a board on Pinterest of all the fun things they could do each day.

No Worries!!

A few weeks ago Donnie and I celebrated our 10th anniversary with a trip to Jamaica. It was a wonderful vacation for us.

This was the few from our room.   
This trip allowed Donnie time to finally sit down and relax. 
Katie Lee sent us this duck she made in our suitcase so we would not forget her and Daniel.  Love her. 
This was the view from the other side of our room
Handsome hubby.
More beautiful views. 

Our first night.  I look completely worn out since we had been up since 2 that morning.  I also may have lost a few years off my life that day from worrying about flying for the first time. 
Lots of fun things to do. 
Everything was so pretty.  Loved all of the flowers. 

This was my view every morning.

Nighttime entertainment.  Each night we watch different performances. 

This man could limbo just a few inches from the ground while it was on fire.  CRAZY!!

We played or attempted to play some games. 

More pretty flowers. 
Afternoon view each day. 

Donnie play volleyball in the rain. 

Another night before dinner. 
More night time entertainment. 
We met these two sweet couples from Texas on our second night and spent a good bit of time with.  The twin sisters were celebrating their 40th birthday.   

Our last day at the most relaxing place. 

Around Our House

We have had so much fun playing at home this summer. It is so nice to just be home with the littles and let they play. Lots of time has been spent playing chase around the living room and kitchen.
Daniel did not mind helping Hayden with a few puch ups.
Someone likes to find new things to get into.
Having fun suppers of little sliders.
Lots of playing outside.
Playing at the park with our church friends.
Walking in Daddy's shoes.
Playing with Poppie.
Made cookies while playing like Crumbs.
Cooking with family while Mommy cooks breakfast.