Saturday, June 30, 2012

Making a Splash

Last Sunday, we headed down to the beach. We stopped off for church and ran into the Tuten's. Isn't it funny how you always run into people you know when you travel. Anyway, we were headed straight for Tropical Storm Debbie. We were not sure if this was the best plan but we went on anyway. Boy, did we luck up. The storm stayed east of us the entire time and we had no rain. The wind and ocean water was very stong the first two days. It was a double red flag and no one could get into the ocean. Not a big deal for us who only like the ocean up to our ankles. Monday we spent most of our time at the pool. Both of the little ones loved it. The pool was perfect for both of them since in was progressive. Daniel was able to splash away in about two inches of water and Katie Lee was able to venture our deeper.
All of that swimming tuckered Daniel out. I laid him on a chair in the shade and he was fast asleep. While he slept, Donnie and Katie Lee played at the beach. I got a little quiet time to get a little sun while Daniel slept.
More of our adventure to come.

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