Saturday, June 30, 2012
Making a Splash
Last Sunday, we headed down to the beach. We stopped off for church and ran into the Tuten's. Isn't it funny how you always run into people you know when you travel. Anyway, we were headed straight for Tropical Storm Debbie. We were not sure if this was the best plan but we went on anyway. Boy, did we luck up. The storm stayed east of us the entire time and we had no rain. The wind and ocean water was very stong the first two days. It was a double red flag and no one could get into the ocean. Not a big deal for us who only like the ocean up to our ankles.
Monday we spent most of our time at the pool. Both of the little ones loved it. The pool was perfect for both of them since in was progressive. Daniel was able to splash away in about two inches of water and Katie Lee was able to venture our deeper.
All of that swimming tuckered Daniel out. I laid him on a chair in the shade and he was fast asleep. While he slept, Donnie and Katie Lee played at the beach. I got a little quiet time to get a little sun while Daniel slept.
More of our adventure to come.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Dining Room
Today I am joining Kelly's Korner for Show Us Your Life---Dining Room.
This is it looking from the foyer. I recently got a new rug for the floor. I want to add pictures on either side of the China Cabinet. I have such a hard time finding the right picture. I know that I want pictures of both kids on either side. I just have to wait until Daniel is about since that is how old Katie Lee was when I had her picture made.
I love all of the details that was added when we built. The molding around the windows make me thing of old southern houses.
This is the side of the dining room you see as you enter our house. The piece of furniture was a wedding gift from my parents. I love that I am able to display special things in it. The picture above is the one that will be moved to one side of the China cabinet. I want a picture of both of them together and hang here.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Made It Monday

Thursday, June 14, 2012
Growing, Growing, Growing
This week Daniel went for his 6 month check-up. I was excited to see how much he had grown.
Weight-- 17lbs 13oz --50% :)
Height-- 28 1/4 inches --98%
He doing great and Dr. Dudley was very please with his progress. Daniel also got three shots and an oral vaccine. He cried for just a minute and then held his breath, but once he breathed again he was fine. I am so thankful for healthy babies.
What A Week!!
I love the lazy days of summer, but so far we have been super busy. I am hoping that after this week things will slow down and we will enjoy lots of fun times at home. One of the things that I love about summer is that I never know what day it is because it doesn't matter. Everyday is an easier day.
This week we have been so busy. Here is a little peek of what has been going on in our family.
We have spent some time having fun playing at home. Katie Lee decided that Daniel needed all of his toys to play with.
This picture was taking one night after VBS. These two little ones were looking cute playing in the floor together.
Daniel is loving bath time now that he can sit up better. He will just splash the water and laugh.
We are having VBS this week at church. Katie Lee is loving it. (She has been to church every night for the last two weeks with both VBS that she has attended.) I am so proud of all she is learning.
Daniel started going to class a few weeks ago. He is still too little to do a lot but he is taking it all in.
In addition to all of this, Katie Lee is taking swimming lessons this week. I am not sure if she will be swimming like a fish but she has made some great improvements from last year.
I hope that by next week we are spending more time at home. I have a long summer bucket list of things that I want to get done for the house. I also want to get several things done for my classroom for next year. But above all, I want to spend as much time as possible enjoying my two little ones!!!
Hope everyone else is having a great summer.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
New Tricks
Daniel is changing and growing everyday. It seems like in the last two weeks he has really changed. He looks like he has grown and feels like it too. He wants to try to talk and jabbers so sweetly. He is very quick to grin at you. Love it!! I think he may be getting ready to cut teeth, too.
Today I picked Katie Lee and Daniel up from Aunt Kitty's. She was sweet enough to keep them while I attended a workshop for school. While we were in the playroom, I had Daniel sitting up with support from me. I let go and he sat up all by himself. He stayed sitting up for a good while before he wore out. He has been trying for the last week or so but just would not stop moving around enough to get his balance. I know I say this all the time, but I cannot get over how fast time is going by.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Madigyn and Landyn's Birthday
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Sunday night after church we played at the park. The kids had so much fun even with the terrible heat.
Half a Year
Daniel turned 6 months on May 29th. I cannot get over how fast these last six months have gone. Daniel is the sweetest baby. He sleeps all night in his babybed. Takes several naps during the day. He eats 6 6oz bottles a day. He weighs about 18 lbs and is around 27 inches long. He is trying to sit up. He loves to move around so he can watch everything that is going on around him. He loves to he held. He has been called "solt rotten" by one big sister. He can jabber and squeal. He is quick to smile and gets so excited when everyone comes home in the afternoon.
He ate baby food for the first time this week. He loved it.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Memorial Day
Monday we celebrated the day with family. Poppie got out the little pool for the kiddos. Katie Lee could not wait to go play. She jumped right in even though it was pretty cool.
This little cute one was ready for the water, too. He really liked it.
Katie Lee is all smiles.
Who needs a pool when you have a cool car to play on.
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