We had a family day at the Zoo in Nashville.

This started out as a trip for Katie Lee, Grammie, and Poppie.

Donnie and I decided to tag along, too.

I don't remember the last time I ever went to a zoo and it was a first for Katie Lee. We had a wonderful time and got to see so many different animals.

Hyacinth Macaw

Apes at Gibbon Islands

Poppie and Katie Lee getting a closer look

at the Meerkats.

Rhino Hornbill

Katie Lee checking out the animals from from the Unseen New World.



Elephants. These big guys were very hard to see because they were far away from the viewing area and they camouflage perfectly with the rocks. Katie Lee never could find them.

Checking out the sights with Grammie.

Masai giraffe---Katie Lee picked out her outfit to match with this fellow.

Thanks Grammie and Poppie for a wonderful day!
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