and so does the food!! I think I should exercise or fast (HA) from all of the wonderful food we've eaten over the last few days. Yesterday was no different. We continued our 4th weekend.
We spent most of the day playing outside at home. I had gotten some finger paint from the dollar bin at Target last week for Katie Lee to use. She paints a lot but never with her fingers. She loved it!!
It started out nice and neat, but

soon went wild!

We had a picnic lunch under the shade trees. I love the shade trees at this house.

Last night we headed back to Mother and Daddy's for supper.
Aunt Kitty and Uncle Wez had finally come home from vacation. Katie Lee was so excited to see her and of course get her surprise. She also had to try out the horn on Aunt Kitty's new car.

Then it was off to see the fireworks in town.

We finished our long weekend of fun with homemade peach ice cream.

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