Typical Day as a teacher in public education. :)

This morning I had to get to work earlier because I had a parent conference. Our goal is to have one with each child's parent. After the meeting I quickly documented my meeting on my February
PTC Log. My co-worker had
AM duty and sent my class down at 7:30. They quickly unpacked and began their morning
DOL and
DMR. Next came Morning Meeting. I took lunch count and attendance on
STI. We then moved into the
SF reading series with
Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 instuction. I gave them some
DEAR time to boost their
AR scores. I needed to
PM my
S and
I kids to see how they are progressing towards their
DIBELS benchmark. Next we had to take the Think Link assessment which is a great indicator of how they should so on the
SAT10 and
ARMT. I checked the math at home multiplication logs of a few kids which was a recommendation from
BBSST. I got a date for an
IEP meeting that had been changed. We moved into math by beginning with a
POD which they are getting much better at doing. After lunch was a quick stop by the nurse's office for a round of
ADHD medicine. Then on to
AL History. During my planning time and the kids
PE we had grade level meeting to finish discussing
ARI information and what we are working on for the
ADAW. I had
PM duty outside. After school, I uploaded grades onto
STI gradebook and tidied up my room to do it all again tomorrow.