I just love Friday. I always have but especially when school is in. Growing up it was always Friday night ballgames to look forward to. Well, I couldn't tell you the last Friday night ballgame I went to. Now I love Fridays because it is the beginning of the weekend, I get everything for next week done at school so I don't have to think about it until Monday, time to play with Katie Lee, and it is the only time I ever come home to a spotless house!!! The spotless house is just wonderful!!! This afternoon when I walked in I just had to admire the super shiny floors and the smell of clean. I know weird but it is the simple things like Pine Sol and Windex! :)
This afternoon, Katie Lee and I made cookies. I love cookies!! They are probably one of my favorite sweet treats. Today we made super easy Cake Mix Cookies. I used Sprinkle cake mix today. These are great cookies to sandwich together with icing or make chocolate and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Cake Mix Cookies
1 box of cake mix (any flavor)
1/2 c. oil
2 eggs
Mix together. Roll into balls and bake at 350 for 10-12minutes.

Katie Lee after her third one. :)
You and I both LOVE Fridays! Yay for the weekend! You cookies look pretty. I found a recipe today for cutout cookies made from cake mix. I want to try them sometimes. Have a GREAT weekend. Love you!
I am glad it is Friday, also. We didn't quite bake cookies though. I bought some and sent them with Carmen for a Reading Party at Preschool today....does that count??? Enjoy the weekend!
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad you posted that recipe!! I was about to go bake cookies for a Youth thing at church and didn't want to go get dough!! YAY!! And I have icing too!! Wooot wooot!!
I can't believe how big Katie Lee is getting. Such a doll baby!! I miss you!!
Those look DELICIOUS!!! My little girl would have been thrilled to have eaten three also! I love the pic!
Your cookies look yummy! Katie Lee is adorable!
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