I haven't really watched much PBS since I was very small. You know Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers. Well, if you haven't let your kids watch it you are missing out. I am so impressed with the educational quality of most of these shows. They are funded from a grant from No Child Left Behind. They are great for beginning reading skills and lots of character educational value. From the teacher's point of view, if you are going to let your kids watch TV it should at least somewhat meaningful for the most part.

Well, since I gave my spill on quality television for small children. I also have to make a confession. Katie Lee doesn't watch a lot of TV but her favorite show is

That 70's Show. I know what you are thinking. That is not appropriate to watch. She talks about it all during the day and knows that at 9:00 it is her winding down show to watch and eat chips with her Dada. She will just sit and laugh. I guess it will be OK until she starts quoting lines from the show.
we love PBS in the lovell house! Word World, Seaseme St., Clifford, George...good stuff
I'm sure she can learn alot from That 70's show too...just maybe not exactly the same quality as PBS:) One of the first songs Bryson really liked to sing all the time was a song about cocaine from his favorite group Old Crow Medicine Show. Mother of the year right here!
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