Saturday night, we had girls' night out with our group of girls from church. We went to the Sugarland Concert. The guys hung out at our house. We began our night at about 2:30 and had dinner at Connor's. While eating it began to rain pretty hard and the wind picked up. Amber and I were ready to skip the outside concert and go to the nice dry movies. We were outnumbered. HA We got to the concert which was out in this big field in the pouring down rain. The field soon became a big mud hole. Since it was pouring down rain everyone had umbrellas, and we could not see the stage, I had to people watch.
I would like to thank the following TOP 10 entertainment for the night.
10. The lady with the white pants and the black leather fanny pack--shake those hips.
9. The guy wearing the bag that his chair belongs in over his head--what were you thinking.
8. Blue shirt girl--I really hope you made it home safely and remember something from the night because you had one too many pitchers before the concert even got started good.
7. MUD, MUD, MUD---I have been muddin' on four wheelers and came out cleaner than I did that night. I really wish that I had a pair of these...

6. Amber--for being a "stick in the mud" (literally) with me.
5. The Girls---y'all are the best. I always have a great time when we are together. I am so thankful to have such good friends.

The girls--Amber, me, Beth, Amanda, Nicole, Angela, and Brooke. (Not the best picture of all of us, but the best I had in our very cool van.)
4. funnel cake--YUM YUM best part of the night
3. cute leopard shoes--they held up as long as the could--had to be trashed
2. Sugarland---really good concert--wish I knew more of their songs
1. Finally my dear sweet husband, Donnie, who for once was right and has been singing "I told you so, but you said no and now you have mud between your toes. ---I may never live this one down.

(Amber's and my feet after we had "washed" them in a puddle of muddy water.)
On a serious note, our night ended quite sadly. We all had missed calls on our phone wanting Beth to call Jeremiah. We all know how that ended. We all will miss Daryl and pray for his family. Just lets you know that you never know if you will have a tomorrow, and you need to make sure your life is right today.