Saturday, February 15, 2014

American Girl Party

Katie Lee was invited to help Allie celebrate her 6th birthday with an American Girl party. All the little girls have gotten American girls in the last year so it was perfect.   
Loved watching these sweet girls play with their dolls.  I hope they will play dolls for a long time and stay little for as long as possible. 
Katie Lee and her doll in their matching outfits. 
All the little girls. 

Happy Birthday Allie. 

Valentine's Date Night At Home

Tonight we celebrated Valentine's day with our little family. I would have loved to have done it last night but Donnie worked until 11 so it was midnight before he got home.  Be sure to thank your UPS man if you got a gift delivered to you on Valentine's Day.  They worked 13 hours that day.  Anyway, tonight we had our family celebration.  I wanted to do something fun and different.  I found Cupid's Crazy Café on The Dating Diva's blog and thought that is sounded fun.  I planned the menu of 8 items.  I picked breakfast foods with a few sweet treats.  The kids love breakfast for supper so I thought it would be easy.  Everyone got a menu and selected two appetizers, four items for the main course, and two desserts.   
The fun part was they had no idea what they were ordering since the menu options included things like huggin' and kissin'.  I had made the following list earlier in the week. 
1. sausage casserole and eggs  (Huggin')
2. cupid's crunch (Cuddlin')
3. candy hearts (Snugglin')
4. Peeps heart  (Squeezin')
5. yogurt parfait  (Squishin')
6. fruit cup  (Smoochin')
7.  cupcake (Kissin')
8 orange roll (Lovin')
I set the table for our festive party. 

This was our appetizers.  At this point I thought Donnie was going to completely quit dinner.  His first two picks were cuddlin' and squeezin' (fruit loops and candy hearts).  Katie Lee thought it was do funny and Daniel enjoyed eating dessert first.  By the time we got to the dessert everyone was full on the casserole and eggs (I kept portion sizes of the sweets very small and the real food larger) and thought it was a fun way to eat.  Donnie did say several times that steak would have been better, but he was happy to go along because the kids had fun.  HA. We will have steak next week just for him. 

After supper it was time for games. 

Guess who won!!
Then it was on to the next game. Candy heart stacking.  Daniel was excited about this because he loves stacking blocks. 

Except when his fell.  Got to love that face. 
11 was the most we could get to stack. 

After games, it was time for gifts.  Katie Lee got a Hello Kitty toaster. She has wanted one for the longest.   (Our toaster is about to go out and she gets something toasted every morning, so it was perfect.)
Daniel got a tool belt to go with his workbench. 
My sweetheart. 
Love them bunches!!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Snow Day

We are out of school for a couple days because of snow. The kids are loving being home and so am I. Yesterday we headed outside to play before it melted away. We may get more snow this afternoon.

Katie Lee and Daniel loved being outside. They were so excited to play.   
This was Daniel's first time playing in snow.  He was just excited to be outside. 
Sweet Katie Lee is all smiles as always.
Running and making foot prints in the snow. 

We have had snow so let's bring on spring. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Valentine Party

Saturday Aunt Kitty and Langdon hosted a Valentine Party for the cousins. Katie Lee and D were so excited to be going to a party.

Aunt Kitty had everyone a special box lunch.  They loved everything.   

Time to make crafts. 

What a fun day!!
Thanks Aunt Kitty and Langdon for inviting us to a special party. 

Nashville Trip

Last weekend, we went to Nashville. It was Donnie's first weekend to be home in SEVERAL weeks because duck season is FINALLY OVER!!! We decided to have some fun family time together. Lots of fun, shopping, and yummy food. 

We went to Opry Mills.  Daniel could not wait to ride the carousel.  He waved at everyone.   
Katie Lee wanted to ride the spinning seat.  Think she is thinking of teacups at Disney. 
They also got to Build a Bear. 
It was D's first time and he loved it. 

We also spent the night.  Daniel loved being in the hotel. He made himself right at home.

Playing puppy dog. 
Ready for church.