We had a wonderful Christmas night at Mother and Daddy's. Of course, we started with a delicious supper. These little ones were so excited about the gifts.
My favorite niece and nephew.
My favorite littles. I love this picture because it is so them. Always smiling.
We were going for a family picture and two extra children added. Love it, so here is our little family of 6. :)

Grammie and Poppie with their grands.
Time for gifts.
Langdon opens one gift and plays with it for a long time before opening another one.
Katie Lee and Daniel are all about opening all gifts and then playing.
Katie Lee gets so excited over every gift every time.
Me and Donnie got one picture of just the two of us.
These two think the world of each other. I hope they will always be this close.
Katie Lee made her Loving Family a little home to play.
After the littles opened gifts then it was time for the adults. We got lots of great gifts too.
Caroline finally woke up and opened her gifts.
We gave her a jewelry box with her name on it. KL was glad that it was just like hers.
Traditional picture.
Sweet boy with a runny nose was just happy all night.
We gave Daddy money to get a tool box so this is his card with money.
We gave mother bracelets and chargers for her table.
Who needs toys, give the boy a box as his doghouse.
Daddy surprised Mother with three mercury glass candle holders. They did not come in in time so Daddy was very clever in his wrapping the print outs for Mother. She thought he was funny with duct tape, hammer, etc wrapping.
Aunt Kitty gave KL ballerina outfit for her and her AG doll.
Caroline had lots of smiles after she got out of her fancy dress and had a bottle.
Katie Lee had special gifts for everyone. She bought them all by herself at the Candy Cane Shop at her school. Uncle Wez got a back scratchier.
Caroline got flower hairbows and Aunt Kitty got a star ring.
Poppie got an Alabama can opener/ tool, Grammie got a G key chain and Langdon got a football. She was so excited about her sweet special gifts.