Not a lot of things have happened in the last week, but I did get some cute pictures. I thought I should show them.
Langdon spent some time with us Thursday morning. He was fun to have with us. That afternoon, Mother and I took all three kids to visit with Price. Katie Lee has gone with Mother to see him about every week since she was a few months old. Add in two more little ones and that is not as easy of a trip. Anyway, I forgot my camera which is too bad because they all enjoyed the visit. It was also his birthday and Katie Lee made him a card. Wish I had gotten a picture of it too. She drew her, Daniel who she is holding, and Langdon with red hair. It was too cute.
Friday morning she looked so growny when she was ready for preschool.

Sunday afternoon, she spent a great deal of time playing with her new dollhouse. Donnie surprised her with this Friday. She LOVES dollhouses and this one is huge.

Sweet Daniel looked super cute Sunday for church.

Sunday night, the little ones were getting ready for bed. Langdon wanted Daniel in his lap. By the time I got my camera he was about finished with him, but it still turned out cute. I think Langdon is really going to take care of Daniel.