Today was one of those wonderful days that makes me so thankful that I am not working right now. It also makes me sad with the thought that I have only a little time until I have to go back. Yes, I have been begging to just get to stay off for the next 5 years. My plea is not working too well.
Seriously, who would want to leave this cute little face.

He must be growing today because he has slept about all day.

Katie Lee and I have been super busy today playing, baking, and painting. We made our ToDo List this morning. She loves a list more than I do. :) I think the only thing that we can successfully mark off our list is playing. She wanted it on our list three times. So much for dusting and cleaning the bathroom. I guess that can be done tomorrow.
We made cupcakes for her to take to school tomorrow. I gave her six that we were not sending and let her decorating them by herself. She had the best time.

This afternoon, we went outside for a while. This was Daniel's first time outside besides getting in and out of the car. The sun was so bright he could not open his eyes.

On the other hand, Katie Lee loved the sunshine.

Grammie and Langdon came for a visit, too. He was so excited to see Katie Lee. He just loves her.