This has been one of the busiest weeks that we have had in a long time.
Monday night we had to get groceries because we were out of most everything. We also hit up the free chicken nuggets at Chick. I had to really had to work at not letting the teacher in me come out on these kids in the play area that were WAY over the 54 inches height and playing too rough around the little ones. Parents should really watch there kids and adhere to rules!!!
Tuesday night was Book Fair, Art Show, and PTO at school. I took Katie Lee to pick out a book. She got

She was more concerned about getting to play on the playground.

After that, we met up with Aunt Kitty for supper.
Wednesday night was church. I am so proud of how Katie Lee has gone to class since I am not teaching anymore. I am also enjoying going to the Ladies' Class.
Thursday night was a Jewelery Party at Kimberly's. Katie Lee was all about the party with her purse and ring until she realized that they had a toy room. She loved playing with Hunter.

Friday night was suppose to be our night at home. WELL.....
Molly was playing outside when we got home so we went over and played a while with her and had a ball making mud puddles. Then when Donnie came home, he told us that we had to get something for our leaky hot water heater from Chris which meant an impromptu playtime with Lillian.
It was a fun filled week but I am looking forward to less busy night for the next 28 school days and then let the fun begin!!!