Today I am joining Kelly for Show Us Your Life.

Today's theme is your typical day. I noticed several other teachers' day listed and they were much different than mine. It is strange how you do the same job but it is so different.
5:45--Up and getting ready
6:30--leaving for work (Donnie and Katie Lee still sleeping)
7:00--arrive at work
7:30--kids arrive
7:45--Morning Meeting
8:00-10:10---Reading Block( this includes whole group, small group,
independent reading, language, spelling, and intervention for
10:10-11-42---Math Block
12:10-1:00--Alabama History or Science
1:00-1:40--Enrichment (computer, library, or art)
2:20-3:05--after school duty
Tuesday afternoons are faculty meeting days which can last up to two hours.
3:30--I try leave work
4:00--pick up Katie Lee from
Grammie'sTime I leave
Grammie's until 10:00--- play with Katie Lee, housework, cook or pick up supper, get ready for the next day, read bedtime story to Katie Lee, catch up on the day with Donnie
10:20-10:30--try to get in the bed to do it all over again
What is you day like?