Friday, December 31, 2010
Snow Cream
We couldn't let the snow get away without some snow cream. Sunday after lunch, Donnie ran outside with a bowl and got us some "clean" snow. I added a little milk, sugar, and vanilla. Katie Lee mixed it altogether and enjoyed!! She must have really liked it because she ate a bowl full.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Christmas at Grammie and Poppie's
Christmas night we continued our Christmas celebrations with the family at Mother and Daddy's. This is always a special time for me. Mother had a wonderful supper for us. Katie Lee could hardly wait for supper to be over and time to open gifts. She got to open first.
so happy with all of her gifts
loving her new pink Bible
monkey for her puppet theater
pink guitar
tag pin and book
taking Poppie and Grammie's order thanks to Aunt Kitty and Uncle Wez
just the two of us
After gifts, we played cards
and Katie Lee played under the table
Finally it was time to settle down for the night.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
so happy with all of her gifts
What a wonderful surprise it was waking up to snow on Christmas morning. Since it has not snowed on Christmas since 1989, this is one special treat around here.
Katie Lee could not wait to run out and play, so we layered up and headed out.
snow angel making

We even built a little snowman.
View from our back porch. I just loved watching the snow from our living room. I may never get blinds for the living room and kitchen now.

Monday, December 27, 2010
Christmas Morning
We had a wonderful Christmas this year. Katie Lee woke up crying around 6 Christmas morning saying that Santa had missed our house because there were no gifts under her tree. Donnie went in and told her that he had not forgotten and it was still early. She is never up at 6. Anyway, she was back asleep by the time her head hit the pillow and slept until 7:45 in our bed. Donnie had to go and check on Virg. so I was worried that she would wake up and want to begin Christmas gifts before he got back. Luckily, he walked in about the time she was ready to get up. He told us to look out and see all of the snow. We were both amazed by the beauty of it. By this time, Katie Lee was wide awake and ready for gifts.
This is what Santa left minus the bike that the "elf" had not put together until about 1:00 Christmas eve.
She was so excited to see her gifts.
First stop...a new bike.
gifts from her stocking. She LOVES band-aids so she got two boxes which she wears like jewelry.
a new baby doll
lots of other fun gifts.
including an art easel.
I love this picture because Donnie is actually using his gift right away. It was a clock which he asked for. He put it together and hung it that day.
Merry Christmas from our family.
This is what Santa left minus the bike that the "elf" had not put together until about 1:00 Christmas eve.
Cookies for Santa
Friday afternoon, Katie Lee and I made cookies for Santa. She said that they had to be chocolate chips and showed me a picture in one of her Christmas story books for proof. Well, I had no chocolate chips, so we settled for sugar cookies with pink sprinkles (everyone likes pink, you know even Santa).
She loves baking.

Katie Lee decided that Santa likes cookies and milk best if it is left in the dining room.
She had to taste test Santa's milk

and cookies.
The next morning, she checked and sure enough Santa had eaten the cookies
and drank all of the milk.
She loves baking.
and cookies.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas at Aunt Mary's
Christmas Eve, the McNatt side gathered at Aunt Mary's for supper. This year I think it was one of the best!
Aunt Mary had the little ones a flashlight and a sock monkey plate.

Katie Lee with her Grammie, Grandmother, Mother, or Kathy which ever name Katie Lee is calling her at the moment.
The men played cards while the women played Aunt Mary BINGO. I "WON" about 20 items.

Hanging out with the big girls.
Aunt Mary had the little ones a flashlight and a sock monkey plate.
Christmas Eve Breakfast
Christmas Eve breakfast is one of my favorite holiday traditions. We have a huge breakfast with the family and then the guys play cards and the girls play Dirty Christmas. It is even more fun now that we add in these three to the mix. Next year will really be something as this party grows.
Katie Lee singing a few of her favorite songs of the season.
Snow!!! What a fun mess they had!

Pizza Party
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