We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope that all of you did too. We began our day with a huge breakfast at Mother and Daddy's including my favorite homemade biscuits and chocolate gravy. It was delicious!! It was all gone when I thought of taking a picture. This has become our tradition rather than having the traditional turkey and dressing. I love it!
Katie Lee did make her own Thanksgiving feast too.

Donnie also went hunting that morning and got one.

The afternoon was spent with me decorating for Christmas,Katie Lee napping, and Donnie shopping at Gander Mountain.
We had the McNatt Thanksgiving that night at Aunt Mary's. I had saved up all day for this and it was well worth the wait!!
I made Cheesy Apples, and I am proud to say that they did not burn. (I haven't had a lot of luck with this oven.)

Katie Lee took pictures of everyone. Some turned out ok while others did not.

Katie Lee had fun drawing and playing with James.

Aunt Mary also gave each of them their Christmas gifts. Katie Lee love it. She got a Santa stool, a puzzle, and a dog, which she quickly named Ms. Smith. HA HA We have yet to figure out how she came up with that name.