no PACY. This week has been quite eventful around here. I had planned to get rid of Katie Lee's "Night Night" this week, but then I had about changed my mind on the way home from vacation because I knew that she needed to be happy for VBS every night. Then I come home and see that Anna Beth had broke hers. IDEA!! Monday morning, after Katie Lee was up and playing I cut a little hole in her pacy. At nap time I gave it to her and she quickly realized that it has a "hole" "broke" "fix." I explained that I could not fix it, so like any daddy's girl she replied "Dada fix" then "Pop pop fix." Well, the hole grew but it did not seem to bother her. Wednesday night I put her to bed without her "night night." She cried for about 15 minutes then she was sound asleep. She made it during nap time yesterday and then bed time last night with less crying. I hope in a few more days she will be completely over it.
Dora Flops
These lovely flip flops have become Katie Lee's favorite shoes. She got to wear them most of our vacation and since we got home she thinks that she should continue to wear them ALL of the time. She has worn them to church, Wal-Mart, Chick-fa-la, and everywhere else we have been. She has even taken naps with them. Yesterday I decided that I would fix them up with cute ribbons. Well, I got one finished and it looks really cute. Then, last night before I could get the other one finished Donnie came home and Katie Lee asked him for them because I had told her that I was still working on them. Well, he gives them to her half finshed. She has walked around all morning with one flop ribboned and one plain. Maybe I will get the other fixed in a little while.

Elmo Brush
For the last few weeks we have been trying to get Katie Lee to brush her teeth or let us brush them. She refused. I let her pick out a new tooth brush and tooth paste but still she would not even open her mouth. Well, Monday morning I tried again when it was just me and her here at the house. She brushed them great!!! As long as I was singing "This is how we brush our teeth." Yesterday she brushed them 4 times. :) Whatever works.

Mick Mick shirt
YOu know how good a worn out t-shirt feels. Well, Katie Lee has one. It is a Mickey Mouse t-shirt that was Kathryn's when she was little. It is really worn out and super soft. She would wear it everyday along with her Dora flops.
Next week should be another busy week. Potty Training Boot Camp.. I am going to get Katie Lee potty trained in 3 days. Don't you love my positive attitude in that last sentence. Truthfully I am really going to work on it and I hope that this 3 day plan will work. I will keep you posted.