Well, I am on my surprise swine vacation for a long four day weekend. I was so in need of a few days away from my a few of my darlings that when I heard the news I just had to squeal like a pig. HA HA! We did not get our official call until about 10:30 last night. I think the news spoke too soon for Madison County. I know it is nothing to laugh about, but do you think that we are ever a little too over protective about some things and not to others. I do hope that it does not get bad and the ones who have it get well soon. Anyway, for the next couple of days I will welcome the break; however, if we have to make these days up after Memorial Day, I probably will not be singing such a happy song. We also missed our field trip today to Ivy Green and the Alabama Music Hall of Fame. Not sure what we will do about that since it is so late in the year, and I don't know how to refund money which will not go over well with some parents. Hopefully it will all work out.
So, what to do with myself on my first day of vacation. Sleep in---Ha didn't happen. Bless Katie Lee's little heart, she woke up at 4:45 this morning trying to scream our names but a mere squeak came out of her horse little mouth. By 10 she still was not getting any better so I called the doctor. 11:30 appointment. BY the time the nurse walked in, she knew Katie Lee had the croup. The doctor came in to confirm and then Katie Lee got a shot. ( For all of you in class last night, she was fine then. She slept all night and just woke up with it this morning. The doctor said that it comes that fast. I will get over to church before Sunday to disinfect the room.) After the doctor, we met Donnie for lunch and then headed home for an afternoon nap. Unfortunately we will not get to attend Dylan's and Kaylee's birthday party this afternoon.
Day 2 of my mini vacation. I hope to work in the kitchen and get a few other projects complete in between playing with Katie Lee.