Christmas night we went to Mother and Daddy's. Mother had a wonderful super ready for us. We all really stuffed ourselves. Then it was time for gifts.

The Smith Family

Don't ya just love the green and pink apron. I had Mother to make it as part of Katie Lee's gifts from Santa, but Santa forgot about it until it was time to go to. Katie Lee loved it so much that she wore it most of the night.

Ready for
Grammie's cooking.

She got an umbrella from
Grammie and

and a Mickey Mouse clubhouse

an art easel

and a Chick gift card along with many other things. Katie Lee was super excited about this and said "charge it and give me some food please."

Aunt Kitty and Uncle
Wez gave her a tea cart with a tea set and a Snow White broom and dustpan which she has been very helpful with.

She sat with
Wez for the longest letting him tell her stories about Boss, his dog.

It was truly a wonderful Christmas with our family, lots of delicious food and great gifts. We are so blessed to have our family.